Every legitimate company, organization, or team needs a well-done professional logo of its own. Your basketball team logo differentiates you from other teams and represents you.
What is Nike without the swoosh? McDonald’s without the arches? Target without the red circle target?
These logos distinguish their brand from other companies, make them stand out and be recognizable, and associate potential customers with their brand and what it stands for.
When you see these logos, you automatically conjure up some sort of feeling…and most of the time you can’t even help what you feel!
The need for a logo doesn’t just extend to larger companies and corporations, your basketball organization needs one, and can benefit greatly from one, too.
Here are a few reasons why:

A logo helps your organization to be branded in a unique way. It gives your organization a specific identity.
Without a logo, all potential customers, players, and clients have is a name. That’s not enough.
They need an image to link to – this is where your logo comes in.
Your logo and branding help to set you apart from the competition. They make you different. They make you noteworthy. They make you your own entity.
Shows legitimacy
With a logo, you demonstrate legitimacy.
Without a logo, it’s glaringly obvious that your business isn’t one to be taken seriously.
A logo offers people who don’t know you a chance to get a vibe about your company, business, or organization. Without it, they are just left wondering.
If you don’t have a good-looking logo, it begins to raise an immediate red flag.
First impression
As mentioned earlier, your logo offers others a chance to get a vibe about your company.
A good first impression can last for years. That’s how powerful a positive association can be with a certain image.
Making a solid first impression is very important and that starts with your logo – don’t neglect this area with your basketball organization!
You can use it anywhere
Having a recognizable logo provides your organization with a lot of branding flexibility.
You can place a logo almost anywhere!
Whether it’s a piece of paper, an email newsletter, social media, in your arena, on your uniform, on your website, or a piece of merchandise…having a prominent and obvious logo to stamp your branding is important!
And with a simple but memorable logo, you can put it just about anywhere and get the same reaction.
To Signal A New Change In Culture And/Or Leadership.
A very opportune time for a new change in logo is during a period in which there is a pronounced change in leadership. For instance, the Dallas Mavericks changed their logo entirely when Mark Cuban became the owner of Dallas Mavericks in 2001.
In terms of a logo change with regards to a change in culture, the most recent example is the athletic program of Brown University. The Brown University athletic program has just released a new set of logos in order to provide a start to its fresh identity.
Some might argue that the plan itself is more important than a Basketball team logo.
That’s probably true.
It doesn’t matter what your logo looks like if you can’t put a quality product on the floor.
But a logo offers a unique opportunity to have something that solely belongs to your organization, to elicit a positive response from people, and to be a part of your identity.
Choosing the right logo and putting it in the right places can make a huge difference in your marketing, branding, and impact.