With the continued evolution of social media platforms as well as technology in general, there are many more ideas and nuances that you can use to promote your basketball team.
Social media platforms such as Tiktok, Instagram and Twitter are continuing to create a world that keeps us connected digitally.
Thus, it makes sense that there are plenty of ways to market one’s basketball team on a popular global platform. Let’s explore some of those ideas in this piece.

Have a Lot of Contests and Giveaways
Basketball teams and organizations that run contests and giveaways get to employ a wide variety of marketing strategies at the same point. First of all, they get the benefit of promoting their team. Secondly, the social media profile or website gets an extra boost of traffic and engagement due to the contest and giveaway.
This strategy will help your team to gain increased awareness in the local and/or national basketball community.
A great platform to perform this strategy is Instagram.
The platform gives basketball teams and organizations the option to employ this strategy on Instagram via an option called “Instagram Giveaway”. With “Instagram Giveaway”, organizations get to define their marketing goal for their contest or giveaway.
They also get to set up the rules and regulations of the contest and also define what the prize will be. Ideally, the organization must set up a prize that will really entice its audience to want to participate.
Use Quizzes
Another great marketing tool to increase fan engagement is to post quizzes. It’s a nice way to increase engagement, especially among fans who are a strong sense of brand loyalty. You can give the fans a knowledge test. Test them on their expertise in basketball in general or knowledge of your team. One can create even more buzz by raffling off game tickets/and or merchandise.
Another type of quiz that a brand should consider is a personality quiz. A basketball team can have fans take this quiz to find out which player on the team closely resembles their personality. This should bring along plenty of traffic and engagement.
Use Hashtags
Another way of increasing brand loyalty and exposure is to use hashtags for every post. Hashtags are effective tools that allow your post to be seen by other social media users. Hashtags should be strategically done in a way that links people to your brand and niche.
It is very important for brands to be consistent as possible when it comes to posting hashtags. A brand should consider using a unique hashtag that only pertains to them.
It is a good idea for brands to add hashtags to post that involve quizzes, contests and giveaways. A unique hashtag that describes a particular contest or giveaway would be a great way to go.
Use Photos and Videos on Social Media to Promote Your Basketball Team
On social media, a post without a photo or video may not be enough to get the job done. Individuals are more likely to connect with your team to if you have an attention-grabbing photo or a video. Nowadays, it appears that a strong promotional video may be more effective than ever.
A series of effective TikTok videos may serve to do the trick. Additionally, teams can utilize those same TikTok videos and use it on Instagram via Instagram Reels. More and more users are gravitating towards Instagram Reels as opposed to regular posting.
As you can see, these nuances work quite well for a basketball organization with regard to promoting their team. Contests, Giveaways and Quizzes are a proven way of promoting a basketball team while getting a heavy amount of engagement.
There are fewer things that are as effective for social media promotion than a unique hashtag or a hashtag that is appropriate for the brand.
For a promotion to be really effective nowadays, posts with photos and videos are clearly the way to go.